# Shown in language picker for multi-language sites language_name = "Deutsch" # Tera date format used for listing posts # (post publication date, tag posts list...). # Not used in comments, "date_locale" is used instead. # See https://docs.rs/chrono/0.4.31/chrono/format/strftime/index.html date_format = "%d. %B %Y" date_locale = "de_DE" # Menu items. # Should match the names in config.extra.nav.links and config.extra.footer.links. Links = "Links" Blog = "Blog" Imprint = "Impressum" Mods = "Mods" Coffee = "Coffee" all_tags = "Alle Tags anzeigen" archived = "Archiviert" author = "Autor" author_conjunction = " und " author_separator = ", " backlinks = "Backlinks" blog_post_author = "Autor des Blogbeitrags" boosts_from = "Boosts von $INSTANCE" by_author = "Von $AUTHOR" caution = "Achtung" comments = "Kommentare" comments_description = "Du kannst diesen Blogbeitrag kommentieren, indem du dich mit einem Mastodon- oder einem anderen ActivityPub/Fediverse-Konto öffentlich auf diesen Beitrag antwortest. Bekannte nicht-private Antworten werden unten angezeigt." comments_noscript = "Das Laden von Kommentaren basiert auf JavaScript. Versuchen Sie, JavaScript zu aktivieren und neu zu laden, oder besuchen Sie den Originalbeitrag auf Mastodon." comments_qr = "QR-Code zum Mastodon-Beitrag" copy_code = "Code kopieren" disclaimer = "Disclaimer" drafted = "Entwurf" faves_from = "Favorites von $INSTANCE" featured = "Featured" feed = "Feed" file_an_issue = "Problem einreichen" filter_by_tag = "Nach Tag filtern" first = "Erste" go_to_top = "Nach oben gehen" hot = "Hot" important = "Wichtig" language = "Sprache" last = "Letzte" load_comments = "Kommentare laden" loading = "Laden" many_minutes_read = "$NUMBER Minuten Lesedauer" many_posts = "$NUMBER Beiträge insgesamt" many_tags = "$NUMBER Tags insgesamt" minutes_read = "$NUMBER Minute Lesedauer" more_matches = "$MATCHES weitere Treffer" next = "Nächste" no_comments = "Noch keine Kommentare :/" note = "Anmerkung" one_posts = "$NUMBER Beitrag insgesamt" one_tags = "$NUMBER Tag insgesamt" open_post = "Beitrag öffnen" poor = "Mangelhaft" posts = "$NUMBER Beiträge insgesamt" posts_with_tag = "Beiträge mit dem Tag $TAG" powered_by = "Powered by $ZOLA and $DUCKQUILL" previous = "Vorherig" published = "Veröffentlicht am" reload = "Neu laden" repo = "Repository" search = "Suche" search_for = "Suche nach" sensitive = "Sensibler Inhalt" share = "Teilen" skip_to_content = "Zum Hauptinhalt springen" source = "Website source" table_of_contents = "Inhaltsverzeichnis" tags = "tags" tags_title = "Tags" theme = "Theme" theme_dark = "Zum dunklen Theme wechseln" theme_light = "Zum hellen Theme wechseln" theme_system = "Systemtheme verwenden" tip = "Tipp" trigger_warning = "Content Note" updated = "Aktualisiert am" view_comment = "Kommentar anzeigen bei" view_profile = "Profil ansehen unter" warning = "Warnung"